Blog content

Blaise Kelly
August 2019

How does indoor and outdoor CO2 affect us? Blaise Kelly explores the impact of CO2 levels looking back to pre-industry levels and towards the potential future worst-case scenario.

Gary Kass
July 2019

Systems pervade the natural, societal and technological worlds – from bee swarms to traffic jams; natural to industrial ecosystems; and underpinning pervasive issues, from climate change to obesity.

Addressing environmental issues requires a move from linear and siloed thinking to ways of...

Linsey Cottrell and Paddy Fowler
June 2019

Switch your search engine

Ecosia is an alternative to the main leader in search engines. Profits from your searches are used to plant trees – what’s not to like! A counter appears with every search to keep track of your impact.

Estimate your carbon...
Paddy Fowler
May 2019

Our annual membership survey not only collects quantitative responses, but also gives members a chance to provide written feedback on our membership services.

Once we've summarised the numerical results (Membership Survey report), the Project Office discusses the written...

Julie Hill
April 2019

Dust storms so dense you can’t see your hand in front of your face; children dying of dust pneumonia; scarce water, and any that is present is contaminated with debris so badly that it has to be strained through a cloth to be drinkable. So begins Hannah Holleman’s account of how the US Dust Bowl...

C. Philip Wheater
April 2019

This is an interesting and detailed book that tells the story of street tree use and abuse through case studies comprising two cities that exhibited both contrasting and comparative situations. It begins with a useful summary of urban forestry within an introduction to the scope of, and...
