Blog content

Paddy Fowler
June 2018

Our annual membership survey not only collects quantitative responses, but also gives members a chance to provide written feedback on our membership services.

Once we've summarised the numerical results (see our Membership Survey report), the Project Office discusses the written comments...

Rhianna Jarvis
June 2018

In support of this year’s World Environment Day campaign, #BeatPlasticPollution, the IES ran a series of events in Bristol, London and Edinburgh showing the award-winning documentary, A Plastic Ocean. Each screening was followed by a panel debate exploring the scientific evidence behind this...

Robert Ashcroft
May 2018

In the first five months of 2018, the IES has already made as many formal consultation submissions as we did in the whole of last year. But no, this isn’t because we spent the autumn in a David Attenborough-induced trance, chain-watching Blue Planet II and lamenting not having done something...

Robert Ashcroft
April 2018

In February, the Government published a consultation paper entitled Health and Harmony: the future for food, farming and the environment in a Green Brexit. This paper outlines the Government’s vision for post-CAP agricultural and environmental land management policy and seeks to collect the...

Adam Donnan
February 2018

When a new member joins the IES they sign up to the Institution’s Code of Conduct. Members are bound by this Code for the duration of their membership and the expectation is that they are familiar with, and understand, its content and implications.

There is a mechanism by which...

Robert Ashcroft
January 2018

One of the most common frustrations when working on environmental policy is the discrepancy between the long time-scales over which environmental processes operate, and the 'short-termism' of our political system. So, when in September 2015 the UK Government committed to produce a 25 year plan “...
