Blog content

Joseph Lewis
May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented thse world with the most significant period of uncertainty since the financial crisis over a decade ago. At times like this, it is as crucial as ever to turn to scientific evidence and the best-available advice on how to proceed, which is why it is so...

Ethny Childs
May 2020

Our COVID-19 Impact Report highlighted the ways in which the pandemic is affecting our members and explored how we can support our membership further. Nearly 30% of members who took part in the survey are currently homeschooling their children in addition to their job, with over half of...

James Bellinger
May 2020

The way we interact with transport in our urban areas is set to dramatically change over the coming decades. Cities are already seeing the changes with new transport options like scooters, electric vehicles and hire bikes. The introduction of new mobility options, disruptive technology concepts...

Joseph Lewis
April 2020

The UK Parliament confirmed this week that it will adopt the Speaker’s ‘hybrid solution’, allowing it to continue its business with some MPs physically in the building, and others conferencing into the chamber digitally.

As a result, the month-long hiatus on the Government’s Environment...

Blaise Kelly
August 2019

Almost every week, more and more evidence emerges of the health effects of air pollution. In an effort to tackle this, cities across Europe are discussing “Clean Air Zones” (CAZs), with a primary focus on Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) concentrations. A potential consequence, not readily communicated to...

Paddy Fowler, Hilary Geoghegan, Carl Stevenson, Hannah King
August 2019

Paddy Fowler speaks to Hilary Geoghegan, Carl Stevenson and Hannah King about NERC-funded public engagement and the role engagement plays in environmental science research.

Would you be able to give some details about the NERC public engagement funding project?

Hannah King (HK):...
