Blog content

Adam Donnan
April 2019

This article is to explain the governance changes that make up the Special Resolutions on this year’s ballot paper. 

The 2017 strategic review identified ‘outstanding governance’ as one of the five key drivers that underpinned our organisational model. Trustees determined that,...

Filipa Ferraz
February 2019

In a follow-up to the December 2017 Living Labs edition of the environmental SCIENTIST, Filipa Ferraz devises a Living Lab analysis in a university context that raises the importance of integrating university roles, groups and layers.


Graham Harker
November 2018

Air quality, or the lack of it, has become a hot topic in the UK, which hopefully means this book will be read by a wider audience outside the environmental science community. In terms of helping to facilitate change, it certainly needs to be.

The introduction starts with emotive...

Gary Kass
November 2018

At its heart, this book looks to set out an approach to science and practice that can “transform society towards greater sustainability”. This is very much in keeping with the approach that we champion within the IES.

Ariane König, from the University of Luxembourg, has edited this multi-...

Chloe Fletcher
October 2018


This summer, the IES launched a new designation for environmental professionals, Registered Environmental Technician (REnvTech). The award is open to technicians and technical staff working across the breadth of environmental science, whether that be in academia, government,...
Jonathan Larwood
September 2018

In hardback this is literally a weighty tome. It has been travelling with me for some time as I have dipped into it, and I’m now pleased to lighten my load as I complete this review, and place it amongst my useful reference books.

What a challenge the ‘Practical Handbook of Earth...
