Blog content

Erica Powell
June 2021
Children are most vulnerable to the impacts of air pollution

Earlier this year a landmark decision was made when a nine-year-old girl become the first person in the UK to have air pollution listed as a cause of death. Ella Kissi-Debrah “died of asthma contributed to by exposure to excessive air...

Ethny Childs
May 2021

In the run-up to COP26, the IES has been hosting a number of discussions and events exploring six key themes in our STAGES on the road to COP26. 

Our third theme was on adaptation, and in particular, the fundamental role of nature-based solutions in meeting climate ambitions,...

Ethny Childs
April 2021

Our latest Land Condition Early Careers Network event, held in collaboration with The Society for Remediation Practitioners in the UK (RemSoc), saw lively discussion on the key considerations needed when building conceptual site models, arguably one of the most important dynamic tools in a...

The IES team
April 2021

Our annual membership survey provides members with an opportunity to feedback on the services we provide, as well as gathering thoughts on our planned projects for the coming year. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and the significant impact on both our own and members’ working practices, we...

Joseph Lewis
April 2021

Since the start of 2021, the IES has been working to bring together expert voices on climate science ahead of COP26. Across six themed discussions, the IES is using its platform to generate conversations and to clarify key areas of consensus and conflict which will need to be addressed ahead of...

Julie Hill
April 2021

Mark Everard’s erudite and entertaining book will appeal to anyone who has contemplated their cup of tea or a newspaper and wondered about the transformations undergone by natural resources to occupy their current place in our lives. Or perhaps not wondered – if so, now is your chance to be...
