Webinars content

Prof. Vybarr Cregan-Reid
September 2019

In the last two hundred years, humans have made such a tremendous impact on the world that our geological epoch is about to be declared the 'Anthropocene', or the Age of Man. But while we have been busy changing the shape of the world, the ways of living that we have been fashioning have, as if...

Jack Shore
August 2019

In this webinar Jack Shore, District Manager of UK and Scandinavia at Regenesis, explores the complexities of a case study at an industrial site in Scotland. High concentrations, including DNAPL, of mixed chlorinated solvents (TCA and TCE) were present in the groundwater under an...

Adam Donnan
May 2019

Has your Chartership application been sat on your desk for too long? Unsure which Chartership is right for you?

As a licensed body, we provide our members with two routes to becoming a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) or Chartered Scientist (CSci), either through our...

James Tapson, George Baker
January 2019

The UK Government has now announced plans for the new Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulations which will take effect in 2019. This new reporting framework will replace the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC EES) and extend the scope of the existing Mandatory Carbon Reporting (...

Colin Green
November 2018

Until recently, identifying and analysing for TPH, tars etc. has relied on laboratory GCs. However, measuring fluorescence across the UV and visible range can, in three minutes, identify and analyse petroleum or coal tar derived hydrocarbon contamination of liquids and solids immediately on site...

Ed Turner
November 2018

Agricultural areas have expanded dramatically in the tropics, providing food for the world's population, but posing a severe threat to natural habitats and tropical biodiversity. A crop which has attracted particularly negative press and been associated with high levels of deforestation is oil...
