Webinars content

Leanne Cullen-Unsworth
June 2020

UK seagrasses are under increasing strain and in an unfavourable state, yet these meadows provide critical ecosystem services. Seagrasses are threatened with annual global losses estimated at 7%. The reasons for this decline are complex, but commonly associated with poor water quality and...

Steph Nichols
June 2020

Traditionally, soil remediation is achieved by excavation and removal for off-site disposal. Often referred to as ‘dig and dump’, the very use of the phrase indicates that it’s a wasteful methodology.

Whilst, the use of dig and dump appeared to slow through the 2000s due to increasing...

Tim Gordon
May 2020

Coral reefs are alive with sound. Fish and invertebrates create a symphony of snaps, whistles, pops, chirps and grunts which they use to communicate, detect danger and food, choose a mate and find a home. But degradation alters reef soundscapes, with concerning consequences. Young fish are...

Christine McHugh
May 2020

This IAQM webinar provided an overview of the new governance framework and key policy initiatives being introduced through the Environment Bill, a landmark piece of legislation for managing the environment as the UK leaves the EU. 

Our speakers explored the role of the new...

John Peter Archer
May 2020

Every year the global sanitation crisis results in increased healthcare costs, decreased income and reduced productivity totalling more than US$200 billion. Out of 152 countries in the world, Madagascar ranks 149th for sanitation provision.

Gather’s mission is to close the sanitation data...

Jonathan Atkinson
May 2020

Soil means a lot of different things to different people and “good soil” can differ depending on the regime. 

Farmers look at soils with regards to health for crop growth or grazing, good drainage characteristics, good moisture holding capacity and good nutrient status. Developers...
