Education Community

CEDHE logo on background of students in a classroom

CEDHE provides representation and leadership to the environmental education communities. CEDHE and the IES work to ensure young people from all backgrounds are inspired to begin and sustain an environmental education – from primary to postgraduate.

CEDHE are an active networking organisation enhancing the quality of outcomes for education institutions teaching environmental disciplines. They facilitate connections between members and develop new avenues of international co-operation within the environmental science community.

Membership is for Further or Higher Education institutions delivering environmental programmes. All academic staff within the environmental unit can become part of the CEDHE network, whether they are involved in teaching, learning or research.

Visit the CEDHE website

Upcoming Events

Thursday, 22 May 2025 - 9:30am to 3:15pm
This forum will bring together environmental education practitioners, students, and industry professionals to explore the transformative potential of generative AI in HE environmental education. Join us to learn about cutting-edge applications, share best practices, and explore...

Recent webinars

In this webinar, Dr Ben Parkes, a Lecturer in Climate Resilience at the University of Manchester, provided an overview of his journey into academia and what a standard week looks like! Ben also...
Over half a century ago, an editorial in an academic journal suggested that a specialist ended up ‘knowing more and more about less and less’.  By contrast, and in the context of a now highly...

Most recent journal on Education and Training

This issue of the journal explores how environmental justice is fought for and achieved through legal frameworks, community activism, and grassroots movements across the globe

Education and Training profile

Barry runs his own sole trader business, Green Brain Associates, so it’s up to him to win and manage the business, as well as actually doing the work. His work falls into two categories: environmental consultancy, and education. The first includes services such as helping companies obtain,...