In September 2022, SoBRA published a series of three practitioners’ guides which aimed to support informed decision making with respect to vapour intrusion (VI) risk assessment within the UK. The guides provide high level summaries of the existing guidance and include signposting to the relevant published industry documents for more detailed information, where required.
The webinar aims to introduce the audience to these three guides, which cover the following key aspects of VI risk assessment:
- Conceptual site model development for assessment of VI contaminant linkages in the UK
- Benefits of soil vapour sampling for assessment of VI risks
- VI data collection considerations
The webinar will be presented by members of the former SoBRA VI sub-group and will conclude with a Q&A session.
This free online event is open to everyone.
Our speakers
John Andrews, The Environmental Protection Group Ltd
John is an Associate at EPG Ltd, specialising in vapour intrusion and ground gas risk assessment. He has over 23-years contaminated land consultancy experience, after completing 9-years of organic chemistry research. He is accredited with SOBRA for vapour intrusion and registered for permanent gases, human health and controlled waters and is currently a member of the SOBRA sub-group for the development of soil vapour GAC. John was active in both the steering group for the development of CIRIA C682:2007 The VOCs Handbook and the committee for BS 10176:2020 Taking soil samples for determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
David Dyson, AECOM
David is AECOM’s south-east region remediation team leader and is a Chartered Geologist and SoBRA accredited risk assessor. David has worked in contaminated land consultancy for 20 years working in a range of sectors – energy, chemicals, industrial, infrastructure, brownfield regeneration – for both private and public sector clients. David’s primary specialism is human health and vapour intrusion risk assessment and in this capacity David has previously contributed to EIC published human health GAC and the recent SoBRA vapour intrusion risk assessment guidance.
Mel Lyons, Shell Global Solutions UK Ltd. - (Speaking on behalf of the former SoBRA Vapour Intrusion (VI) sub-group)
Mel is a Senior Soil and Groundwater Scientist at Shell, a Chartered Geologist, SoBRA accredited risk assessor and certified SiLC. Prior to joining Shell in January 2023, Mel worked in contaminated land consultancy for 16 years and also spent 2 years in the contaminated land team at the Northern Ireland Environment Agency. Mel’s specialism is hydrogeology and detailed quantitative risk assessment for controlled waters and human health, including consideration of potential risks to health from vapour intrusion and inhalation. Mel led the former SoBRA VI sub-group from 2018 until its closure in 2023.
Geraint Williams, ALS
Geraint is Technical Director at ALS. He has 25 years’ experience in the contaminated land industry. Geraint is current chair of the Association of Geotechnical & Geo-environmental Specialists (AGS) contaminated land working group. He previously served two terms on SoBRA’s executive committee, led the Technical Panel and has been involved in several sub-groups including the VI sub-group.