Land Condition Symposium 2025

Land Condition Symposium | 11th March 2025 | National Brownfield Institute, Wolverhampton
Tuesday, 11 March 2025 - 9:30am to 4:30pm
National Brownfield Institute, Wolverhampton

This one-day technical symposium, led by the IES's Land Condition Community, focuses on knowledge exchange, debate, and discussion addressing topical issues at the centre of land condition.

Hear from experts at the cutting edge of research, policy, and practice in the assessment and remediation of land whilst finding ample opportunity to network with sectoral peers and gain valuable CPD.

This year we will be joined by expert speakers exploring a range of issues relevant to land condition professionals. These include: 

  • New government priorities
  • PFAS
  • Biodiversity Net Gain
  • Metal Removal
  • Materials Reuse
  • and many more! 

The full agenda can be seen here!

Bookings are now closed.

Ticket Prices

  Standard price
IES Member Standard £140
Standard (Non-member) £200
Local Authority, NGO, or Charity £100
Student or Graduate* £100
Career break, out of work or retired £100

*Eligible to those who graduated after January 2024 and are currently seeking employment. Evidence of graduation will be requested upon booking. 

Current Exhibitors

MidLE logoMidLE is a non-profit and neutral organisation registered as a community interest company. Our mission is to connect, inspire and inform our community of land, property, and environmental professionals. We provide a friendly platform with a focus on today’s big industry challenges and topics where all voices are welcome. MidLE's interactive and meaningful events and projects (e.g. SILOtoSOIL) provide value through sharing best practice, experience, collaboration at all levels with fresh thinking.  

RemSoc logoRemSoc is the only UK society dedicated to the remediation of contaminated and brownfield land. The society has been established by a group of professionals and practitioners, all working in the remediation sector. The overarching objectives of RemSoc is to promote the safe and technically sound implementation of remediation techniques and technologies and provide a knowledge sharing platform amongst professionals and practitioners with a focus on the development of early career professionals. 

envirotreat logoenvirotreat is a specialist remediation contractor based in the Midlands, we offer cost effective, robust remediation solutions to contaminated soil and groundwater issues including PFAS, gas works waste, hydrocarbons, heavy metals and hexavalent chromium utilising our family of advanced modified clays – E-Clays. In addition we can provide waste management services, asbestos in soil management, invasive species management and site investigation / consultancy support to enable discharge of planning conditions.

Exhibiting Opportunity 

The Land Condition Symposium will attract consultants, remediators, local authorities, and regulators, providing an excellent opportunity for organisations to interact with their target audience of experts and buyers during this technical one-day event. Exhibitors are invited to join the conference as part of the exhibition space. Utilise this opportunity to hear emerging challenges and sectoral developments first hand from leading sector professionals. 

This conference is a platform for expert practitioners to share knowledge, therefore we limit the number of spaces dedicated to exhibitors to ensure you can interact with delegates in a non-competitive environment. 

Benefits of exhibiting:

  • Organisation logo, hyperlink, and 75-word description of the IES website
  • Organisation logo included in promotional marketing through targeted emails, IES main, and IES contaminated Land LinkedIn group
  • Space for 1 attendee at the symposium
  • Unlimited use of symposium branding for all marketing associated with the event

To find out more about exhibiting at the Land Condition Symposium 2025 please take a look at our Sponsorship Pack below. To book please complete and return the Booking Form. If you have any questions, please contact




We aim to provide events, conferences, and workshops which are accessible to all. If you anticipate needing any type of assistance to fully participate in this event, please email or call +44 (0)20 3862 7484 to discuss further.

Local Accommodation Options

Who to contact

Siân Kear

Events & Training Lead
