IES Webinar: A day in the life of an academic

Photograph of student chatting in university atrium with text "A day in the life of an academic"
Thursday, 28 November 2024 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

This webinar series "A day in the life" will share stories and perspectives from environmental professionals working across specialisms and sectors. The series will highlight the breadth of environmental careers and the diversity of routes into the sector.

In this webinar, Dr Ben Parkes, a Lecturer in Climate Resilience at the University of Manchester, will provide an overview of his journey into academia and what a standard week looks like! Ben will also discuss the process of becoming a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) from an academic perspective and the support available.

If you are interested in presenting a webinar as part of our "A day in the life" series and sharing your career journey and passion for the sector with the next generation of environmental scientists, please get in contact with Sally Hughes (

About Ben

Dr Ben ParkesBen is a lecturer in Climate Resilience in the Department of Civil Engineering and Management at The University of Manchester. His research focus is on mitigating or adapting to the impacts of climate change. Ben's research history includes geoengineering impacts on hurricane formation, coral bleaching and sea ice. Ben has also worked on crop-climate interactions and heat stress impacts in the developing world. His current research ranges from water access for crops, to aircraft emissions to sustainable computing.

Beyond research, Ben teaches sustainability of infrastructure systems to first-year civil engineering students and climate impacts analysis to civil, aerospace and electronic engineering fourth-year students. Within teaching Ben also has interests in pedagogy and is part of an internal University of Manchester team focusing on training the next generation of lecturers.

Outside of academia Ben has been a member of the IES since 2022 and achieved CEnv in early 2024.