From the macro to the micro: analysis from the IES

Dr David Viner, Anna Tuddenham
March 2018

With global temperatures rising, acute weather events are presenting a fundamental challenge to societies and businesses around the world. Climate change poses an increasing threat to global social and economic infrastructure. Climate resilience is the capacity of a system to absorb...

Simon Eden, Patricia Gill
March 2018

environmental SCIENTIST | Challenging perceptions in land condition | February 2018

The mention of asbestos often strikes fear in the thoughts of many people, including professionals in the construction industry, their clients, and members of the general public....

Adam Donnan
February 2018

When a new member joins the IES they sign up to the Institution’s Code of Conduct. Members are bound by this Code for the duration of their membership and the expectation is that they are familiar with, and understand, its content and implications.

There is a mechanism by which...

Will Pope
February 2018

This webinar is the first part of our new webinar series 'Entrepreneurship in the Environment' which will explore the culture and attitudes around entrepreneurship in the environmental science sector. Over the coming months, we will hear from a range of successful entrepreneurs, who have...

Robert Ashcroft
January 2018

One of the most common frustrations when working on environmental policy is the discrepancy between the long time-scales over which environmental processes operate, and the 'short-termism' of our political system. So, when in September 2015 the UK Government committed to produce a 25 year plan “...

Julian Holloway, Paul O'Hare
January 2018

environmental SCIENTIST | Living Labs | December 2017

Social dimensions of sustainability are frequently overlooked in academic and public discourse, despite being a key pillar of the concept alongside economic and environmental sustainability. Sustainability is...


Getting to the heart of the issue

Researchers, professionals and members of the IES team provide in depth analysis of news stories, topical issues and emerging science.

Who to contact

Bea Gilbert

Publications Lead
