James Tapson, George Baker
January 2019

Webinar: Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting

The UK Government has now announced plans for the new Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulations which will take effect in 2019. This new reporting framework will replace the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC EES) and extend the scope of the existing Mandatory Carbon Reporting (MCR) regulations for listed companies to all large organisations. It is estimated that upwards of 10,000 businesses that were previously outside of the scope of MCR and CRC will now have to disclose energy use and carbon emissions annually – a massive shift from the 1,600 currently reporting under MCR in 2018.

In this webinar, James Tapson and George Baker unpick what SECR covers, what it means for the thousands of businesses that now have to disclose and explain practical steps organisations can take to ensure compliance in 2020.

The WSP SECR toolkit that was discussed during this webinar is now available online