From the macro to the micro: analysis from the IES

Ethny Childs
May 2020

Our COVID-19 Impact Report highlighted the ways in which the pandemic is affecting our members and explored how we can support our membership further. Nearly 30% of members who took part in the survey are currently homeschooling their children in addition to their job, with over half of...

John Peter Archer
May 2020

Every year the global sanitation crisis results in increased healthcare costs, decreased income and reduced productivity totalling more than US$200 billion. Out of 152 countries in the world, Madagascar ranks 149th for sanitation provision.

Gather’s mission is to close the sanitation data...

James Bellinger
May 2020

The way we interact with transport in our urban areas is set to dramatically change over the coming decades. Cities are already seeing the changes with new transport options like scooters, electric vehicles and hire bikes. The introduction of new mobility options, disruptive technology concepts...

Jonathan Atkinson
May 2020

Soil means a lot of different things to different people and “good soil” can differ depending on the regime. 

Farmers look at soils with regards to health for crop growth or grazing, good drainage characteristics, good moisture holding capacity and good nutrient status. Developers...

Chris Whall & Ben Marner
April 2020

There is widespread reporting of improvements in ambient air quality as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, but much of the evidence has focused on direct comparisons between air quality measurements made before and after social and travel restrictions were in place. 

Such comparisons...

Joseph Lewis
April 2020

The UK Parliament confirmed this week that it will adopt the Speaker’s ‘hybrid solution’, allowing it to continue its business with some MPs physically in the building, and others conferencing into the chamber digitally.

As a result, the month-long hiatus on the Government’s Environment...


Getting to the heart of the issue

Researchers, professionals and members of the IES team provide in depth analysis of news stories, topical issues and emerging science.

Who to contact

Bea Gilbert

Publications Lead
