From the macro to the micro: analysis from the IES

Danielle Kopecky
August 2020

Over recent months, the environmental sector has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Both the economic and operational impacts of the pandemic have forced many businesses to consider the possibility of redundancies, leaving many in the sector facing an uncertain future....

Jim Tough
August 2020

In June 2019, the UK became the first major economy to bring into law targets to end its contribution to global warming by 2050. In line with this commitment, within the Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) logistic support element, Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S), there is a drive to achieve...

Lynn King
July 2020

Are you passionate about encouraging the next generation to consider a career in environmental science? Becoming a school governor could help you and your organisation to better understand schools, whilst also providing some valuable personal and professional development from...

Richard Charman
July 2020

Increasing the margins of mudflat, reedbed and saltmarsh along the edges of hardened, urbanised estuaries is what the Estuary Edges project is about. In the case study estuary, the Tidal Thames, South East UK, there has been a loss of 10,000 hectares of saltmarsh since 1860 (Environment Agency,...

Susan Zappala
July 2020

Susan Zappala, Joint Nature Conservation Committee and Mark Wilmot, Wing presented this webinar on behalf of the RIVM (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment).

Ecological assessment of air pollution is under increasing scrutiny due to caselaw challenge and UK...

Doug Weir
July 2020

environmental SCIENTIST | Talking tactics: Environmental protection and armed conflicts | June 2020

Doug Weir examines how citizen science could help to protect both people and ecosystems in conflict zones.

Armed conflicts...


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Researchers, professionals and members of the IES team provide in depth analysis of news stories, topical issues and emerging science.

Who to contact

Bea Gilbert

Publications Lead
