From the macro to the micro: analysis from the IES

Martin Westwood
August 2018

Model Procedures provide a framework for making decisions about land contamination risks and are a useful resource which offer a lot of detail leading up to, and after, remediation. The remediation stage is often a significant and complicated financial commitment for any project, however the...

Gayle Burgess
July 2018

In recent years there has been a surge in recognition of the positive impact behavioural science can have to help reduce the demand for a range of endangered species products; including rhino horn, tiger bone, elephant ivory, pangolin scales and more. Gayle Burgess, Programme Officer at TRAFFIC...

Paddy Fowler
June 2018

Our annual membership survey not only collects quantitative responses, but also gives members a chance to provide written feedback on our membership services.

Once we've summarised the numerical results (see our Membership Survey report), the Project Office discusses the written comments...

Nathalie Gilbert
June 2018

Water quality is a crucial indicator to the health of river ecosystems, yet as many as 47% of European water-bodies do not meet ‘good ecological status’. With more than 189,000 km of river in the UK alone, monitoring is an extensive task. Current water quality monitoring approaches lack spatial...

Rhianna Jarvis
June 2018

In support of this year’s World Environment Day campaign, #BeatPlasticPollution, the IES ran a series of events in Bristol, London and Edinburgh showing the award-winning documentary, A Plastic Ocean. Each screening was followed by a panel debate exploring the scientific evidence behind this...

Clive Bentley
June 2018

Spending time in tranquil spaces has clear benefits to people’s health and well-being. The protection and enhancement of tranquillity is therefore an important step for a civilised, healthy society. This applies both in rural environments, where current levels of tranquillity may be...


Getting to the heart of the issue

Researchers, professionals and members of the IES team provide in depth analysis of news stories, topical issues and emerging science.

Who to contact

Bea Gilbert

Publications Lead
