From the macro to the micro: analysis from the IES

Kat Bruce
October 2018

This webinar series explores the culture and attitudes around entrepreneurship in the environmental science sector. Over the last few months, we have heard from a range of successful entrepreneurs, who have pioneered innovated and grown businesses in the sector. Our speakers have...

Susan Jay
September 2018

In this webinar, Susan Jay Circular Economy Technical Specialist at Wrap, explores the role of plastic in current society and how existing recycling and reprocessing infrastructure can be improved and enhanced to capture and recycle more plastic waste, avoiding escape into the environment....

Jonathan Larwood
September 2018

In hardback this is literally a weighty tome. It has been travelling with me for some time as I have dipped into it, and I’m now pleased to lighten my load as I complete this review, and place it amongst my useful reference books.

What a challenge the ‘Practical Handbook of Earth...

Jacqueline Campbell
August 2018

Landing on Mars is one of the most challenging goals in planetary science. Understanding the Martian environment is crucial to how lander and rover missions are designed.

During this webinar, Jacqueline Campbell, PhD student at UCL's Mullar Space Science...

Robert Ashcroft & Adam Donnan
Discussion paper
August 2018

The IES is supporting its members in adapting to changes in the EIA regulations, as well as aiding them in developing and demonstrating their own competence. It is important to members that their professional body sets out clear policies and expectations, both for clarity and to protect them in...

Emma Sheehy & Paddy Fowler
August 2018

environmental SCIENTIST | Unintended consequences in environmental science | August 2018

Paddy Fowler speaks to Emma Sheehy about the unintended consequences of a resurgence in pine marten numbers in Ireland and Scotland. Emma...


Getting to the heart of the issue

Researchers, professionals and members of the IES team provide in depth analysis of news stories, topical issues and emerging science.

Who to contact

Bea Gilbert

Publications Lead
