The search for tranquillity

Publication date:
October 2019

Planet earth is a particularly noisy place. From the hustle and bustle of people, traffic clogging the streets and new construction in our cites to the song of the nightingale and the sounds of water cascading down a waterfall in the countryside, we are subject to all manner of sounds, often without giving them a second thought. From the downright painful to the serene, sound impacts on the health and wellbeing of us all, never mind the impacts it may have on the other animals we share this planet with. In this edition, we seek out tranquillity and how to measure it, explore the balancing act of noise pollution mitigation in construction and learn how to safely deter bats from flying into danger.

  1. The Cinderella pollutant – Stephen Turner
  2. Sound or noise? – Mike Potts
  3. Protecting tranquillity – Graeme Willis
  4. Acoustic deterrents as a bat-mitigation strategy – Nigel Burton
  5. What is an appropriate soundscape? – Richard Cope and Yiying Hao
  6. How do you measure tranquility? – Clive Bentley
  7. Green: The Summer Photography Competition
  8. Constructing relationships with noise – Colin O'Connor
  9. Planes, trains and automobiles: Noisy city management – David Trew
  10. Quiet areas on the island of Ireland – Joseph Martin
  11. Designing environmental soundscapes – Sarah Payne
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