Reading the landscape: heritage and the environment

Publication date:
December 2013

Heritage is a broad discipline that draws together environmental specialists from a significant range of backgrounds. Environmental scientists have a significant role to play in preserving, enhancing and interpreting cultural heritage at every scale. This issue captures some contemporary debates within the heritage sector and shows how environment and heritage have been historic bedfellows.

  1. Heritage - from the past into the future - Steve Haynes
  2. The past: why do we want it? - Jennifer Blumhof
  3. Environmental science in archaeology: techniques and practices - Maddy Riley
  4. Archaeology as part of the environment - Jim Keyte
  5. How heritage and archaeology fit within the EIA framework - Steve Haynes
  6. National Character Areas: an integrated framework - Chris Mayes and Jeremy Lake
  7. Learning from our ancestors: the challenges of climate change and water management in the Peruvian Andes - Robert Early
  8. Air pollution and cultural heritage - Jimi Irwin
  9. Old buildings, new energy: the restoration of Howsham Mill - Martin Phillips
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