The Contaminated Issue

Publication date:
August 2012

This specialist issue provides an overview of important topics within the contaminated land arena. Recent changes to government guidance are explained in detail and various facets of land contamination risk assessment, including the analysis of uncertainty, are reviewed. Currently available techniques for remediating sites are highlighted, as are the principles of sustainable remediation. Case study material is also provided, while the UK’s contaminated land regulation is discussed in a thought-provoking manner.

  1. Editorial - Mike Quint
  2. Remediation & Litigation in a Contaminated Land - Steve McNab & Carolina Varga
  3. Assessing background concentrations of priority substances - Andrew Hursthouse
  4. If the poison is in the dose, how much is too much? - Paul Nathanail
  5. Contaminated land – Is there a risk to health? - Sarah Bull
  6. Contaminated land and health: Issues of Life and Death - Alex Stewart
  7. Bioaccessibility of potentially harmful soil elements - Mark Cave
  8. From old fridges to Olympians: The remediation of the London 2012 site - Mike McNicholas and Emma Fenton
  9. Uncertainty in contaminated land characterisation: Inevitable but manageable - Michael Ramsey
  10. Remediating Helpston - Eric Cooper
  11. Contaminated land remediation technologies – context, current application and future development - Philip Morgan
  12. Sustainable remediation - Paul Bardos, Mark Knight and Simon Humphrey
  13. Phytoremediation: A Case Study - Anthony Futughe
  14. Is current legislation fit for purpose? - Valerie Fogleman
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Bea Gilbert

Publications Lead


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