Membership reports

Our annual report provides an opportunity for our members and stakeholders to find out more about the IES and our activities over the last year.  Read about our achievements in 2021 and our...
The Salary and Workplace Satisfaction Report provides a valuable insight into salary trends and job satisfaction across the environmental science sector. The report presents the findings of a...
Each year, we survey our members to identify trends in how different services are valued and to gather members’ opinions on potential future developments. This report presents the findings of our...
Our annual report provides an opportunity for our members and stakeholders to find out more about the IES and our activities over the last year.  Read about our achievements in 2020, ...

Environmental Science Sector Reports

Recognition of the current climate crisis and the challenge involved in addressing it has never been greater. Succeeding in the fight against climate change relies on effective action at every scale...
The difference between a world which cares for its soil and one which neglects it is colossal. Currently, inaction is increasing the risk of climate change, food insecurity, flooding, biodiversity...
The 2016 Wakeham review of STEM Degree Provision and Graduate Employability identified poor graduate employability statistics across a number of STEM subjects, including Earth, Marine and...
This guide presents the current situation regarding parental leave and the statutory requirements for employers and acts as a best practice guide. The report provides recommendations for employers...


Constructing buildings, roads and other infrastructure can have a substantial, temporary impact on local air quality. The most common impacts are increased particulate matter (PM) concentrations...

Forthcoming reports

Title Publication date
Annual Report May

Who to contact

Bea Gilbert

Publications Lead
