Max Gilardenghi

Max is a self-employed translator for the past 9 years, working mainly for the healthcare industry. He took his first science module with the Open University about 10 years ago, because he wanted to increase his knowledge in the field. In the following years, he took a variety of other modules and gradually developed an avid interest in environmental science and associated disciplines, so decided to go for a full degree. He particularly enjoyed topics such as climate change, with the depth and breadth of sciences that are involved in that field, but also became interested in the exploitation of resources by mankind and the challenges that future generations will face.

Max discovered the IES through a web search whilst studying for my OU degree course. He was looking for a reputable source of impartial information on environmental topics and felt that by joining as an Affiliate Member he could focus on specific themes in his studies and develop his knowledge. He also hoped to start working in the environmental sector once he had completed his degree and become an Associate Member of the Institution.

"I think that being a member of the IES is valuable from many different perspectives: students who are approaching the subject of environmental sciences will be able to find information and guidance on careers in this field; it is also possible to find information about events and activities that are relevant to various jobs and positions in the environmental sector and are instrumental in terms of professional development; finally, even those who are not necessarily completing their studies or work in the environmental sector will be able to find news about the themes they are interested in and deepen their knowledge about the environment."

Ideally, Max would like a gradual progression from his current profession and start working in the environmental sector, possibly on a part-time basis at first.

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