Technology has a profound impact on the world around us. It influences the decisions people make on a daily basis and directly affects the state of our natural world.
Over the last few years, the rate of technological development has been even more pronounced. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the rapid onset of artificial intelligence, and developments like the rollout of UAVs have accelerated the rate of innovation and introduced new ways that technology influences the work of environmental scientists.
Many conversations about technology are abstract: they recognise the potential for seismic shifts, but do not provide actionable insights. This panel discussion is designed to go further, considering how technological development is already affecting environmental professionals, and what we can learn.
The discussion will begin with 'lightning presentations' on specific technological developments, followed by an opportunity for cross-discussion, questions and broader considerations about the future of technology and the environment.
This panel discussion is part of the IES's 2024 policy work on the theme of 'knowledge', addressing practical and theoretical questions about what evidence-informed policy means in practice. The goal of this discussion is to move from theoretical conversations about the impact of technology in the environment sector to more practical considerations about what already exists and its implications.