Joseph Lewis
4 March 2024

Effective policy engagement: call for case studies


In 2024, the IES will produce a publication bringing together case studies of effective environmental policy engagement.

The publication will be part of our 2024 policy work on the theme of 'knowledge', and will bring together 12-15 case studies to help environmental scientists interact productively with policy and related issues. The goal is to support evidence-informed policy making and to engage scientists in the process of transformation towards a sustainable society.

To promote knowledge exchange between IES members from different disciplines, we are opening to expressions of interest from members to contribute case studies on either of the following:

  • A case study of effective engagement in any part of the environmental policy process where the submitting member was involved and can offer relevant lessons to readers
  • A narrative-focused case study describing a noteworthy instance of effective environmental policy engagement, with the submitting member providing analysis on why it was effective or what can be learned (for this category, we are particularly interested in submissions from early career professionals)

What you need to know

Case studies will be 1000-2000 words long, with an initial draft due no later than the end of June 2024.

We want to ensure that the publication covers an appropriate range of lessons, so we are particularly interested in case studies which address any of the following issues:

  • Policy design
  • Policy delivery
  • Cross-departmental policy
  • Understanding and analysing policy
  • The role of the public
  • Handling uncertainty in policy engagement

There is no guarantee that your case study will be accepted, due to the limited number of slots available for case studies. Our objective is to include case studies on a range of relevant topics from a diverse set of specialisms and member backgrounds.

How to submit an expression of interest

Send an email to Joseph Lewis (IES Policy Lead, with the following information:

  • Your name and experience with policy
  • A short summary of your proposed case study (max. 50 words, including the subject matter of the case study and its relevance to policy)
  • Confirmation that you would be willing to volunteer the case study and submit a first draft no later than the end of June 2024

The IES is accepting submissions from non-members, though these are limited to those who have direct experience of engaging impactfully with environmental policy. If you want more information about the project, what would be involved in submitting a case study, or if you have a suggestion for a potential case study author, please contact Joseph Lewis (IES Policy Lead,

Analysis from the archive