30 November 2023

Autumn FWR Newsletter published

An autumnal river scene.

We are pleased to announce the publishing of the fourth FWR newsletter (pdf) under IES editorialship. This issue is an FWR Technical Panel special, considering innovation in the water sector. Articles in the newsletter cover a range of different innovative approaches to issues the sector faces: including how technology can be harnessed to deliver accurate data and better outcomes, and a focus on collaborative thinking and practice across different water sector stakeholders. Articles also address potential challenges and opportunities in the sector that come with new technologies and innovation.

IES members and non-members are both encouraged to sign up to the FWR newsletter, in order to keep up-to-date with key developments in innovation in the water sector, and discover new opportunities from cross-disciplinary researchers and industry professionals. We welcome proposed article contributions for upcoming issues of the newsletter, which can be sent at any time to publications@the-ies.org






Analysis from the archive