IES Webinar - SuDS... What can we learn from beavers?

Photo of beaver swimming overlaid with text "IES webinar - SUDs - what can we learn from beavers, Tuesday 13th June 12:30 - 13:15 online
Tuesday, 13 June 2023 - 12:30pm to 1:15pm

No matter how technologically advanced we become, there will always be lessons to learn from the natural environment. In recent years beavers have been released in record numbers. This is due in part to the dramatic effect they have on the environment around them and how they can prevent flooding. However, their release has exposed a more intrinsic relationship with natural systems. 
The qualities of beaver dams epitomise Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) design. The dams are designed to keep water upstream, holding it at source, which is a key feature of managing quantity. They slow the velocity of water and settle out particulates, helping to purify water and improve quality. Beavers also create amenity for themselves using the dam as a home and a place to store harvested food.   

The webinar will focus on the design principals of SuDS and the close relationship between the principals of the beaver and the SuDS technologies available, both soft and hard. The presentation will explore the issues associated with climate change, urbanisation and population growth, and how this is not only affecting biodiversity’s decline but also our mental health, and goes on to explore why SuDS are critical to both. 




Our speaker

Headshot of Adam Cane

Adam Cane, Civil Engineer, ACO   

Adam Cane is a Civil Engineer who holds a degree in Renewable Energy and Energy Management. He is passionate about sustainability, conservation, and innovation. He founded a non-profit educational charity and campaigns for environmental change. 
At  ACO, he leads the Nett Zero Carbon strategy and manages the development of carbon assessment tools. He also manages campaigns related to biodiversity loss and encourages conversation about the construction industry's impact on natural systems. 
He connects with industries, NGOs, affiliated organizations, universities, and the engineering community through collaboration and web-based learning. As an advocate for innovation and develops sustainable products to reduce carbon, generate energy, and protect wildlife, working with B2B and universities.

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Siân Kear

Events & Training Lead
