Ethny Childs
9 March 2023

Launch of new Land Condition Signposting Resource

landscape with Land Condition Community logo

Today the IES has launched a Land Condition Signposting Resource (LCSR), which has been developed by the Land Condition Community. The resource provides an initial point of assistance for Land Condition practitioners, of all levels of experience, to locate key information sources across a broad range of topic areas relevant to the Land Condition sector. ​The resource was developed following Community discussions on the need for a consolidated list of organisations, networks and forums relevant to land condition professionals. 

The resource is intended to complement existing resources in the sector and should be used in tandem with other resources to identify specific guidance and/or legislation.​ ​In recognition of the wide-ranging nature of the specialism, the LCSR aims to signpost to relevant interdisciplinary organisations and networks. In the future we hope to build on the LCSR to provide complementary resources for the air and water specialisms, with an emphasis on cross-cutting organisations. ​

Access the resource​ (.xlsx)

The LCSR is not exhaustive and will be periodically reviewed and added to. We actively welcome feedback on this resource, particularly where there any gaps. Please get in touch with any feedback.​

Get involved in the Land Condition Community

The Land Condition Community provides an opportunity for land condition professionals within our membership to steer services for their specialism, discuss topical issues in the sector, and network with professionals. We also have a dedicated Early Career Network for early career land condition professionals in the first 10 years of their career. 

Get in touch to find out more

Analysis from the archive