Rhiannon Humphreys
July 2021

SocEnv Spotlight Series

Thinking of becoming Chartered? Find out how the IES can help you achieve your Chartered Environmentalist and what benefit being CEnv may have for your professional development and career journey. Check out our series of webinars below!

Your journey to Chartership with the IES

Whether you prefer to work as part of a group in a workshop environment or as an individual completing the process at your own pace, we have a route that will support you in becoming Chartered.

Your guide to achieving Professional Registration with the IES

As part of this webinar, Luke Martin presented on his recent experience of achieving REnvP and what motivated him to pursue this registration. Luke has been working as an environmental consultant within the Irish environmental sector for just under six years and is currently a senior member of the Environmental Team at ORS, a site lead at several pharmaceutical and industrial facilities, and coordinates various projects to ensure compliance with the EPA Industrial Emissions Licenses.

Chartered Environmentalists across the sector

We gathered four of our Chartered Environmentalists across our main communities to discuss what being Chartered meant to them and how it has helped their professional development. Our speakers also discussed the value of their professional qualification to their wider work and to the fields that they work in.

From analysis archive