Susan Zappala
July 2020

IAQM Webinar: ITAPA – Learning from the Dutch approach

Susan Zappala, Joint Nature Conservation Committee and Mark Wilmot, Wing presented this webinar on behalf of the RIVM (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment).

Ecological assessment of air pollution is under increasing scrutiny due to caselaw challenge and UK policy developments. In the Netherlands, a similar challenge was tackled through their Integrated Approach to Nitrogen (PAS). With the advent of the Dutch Nitrogen Judgment, the PAS is being revised. However, the AERIUS suite of tools developed to implement the PAS remain useful. Through the ITAPA project, JNCC is helping the UK explore how AERIUS can help address air pollution effects on ecosystems and to recognise the benefit from emission reductions at local scale. Join us to learn about AERIUS and possible UK benefits.

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