Reconnecting society with its ecological roots

Publication date:
August 2020

Recognition of feedback between human activities and our supportive ecosystems, in turn affecting human health, economic prospects, security and opportunity, has been well documented. In this edition of the environmental SCIENTIST, we explore the need for a new paradigm that places ecosystems and their processes at the centre of societal thinking, policy, fiscal systems and resource use habits, ultimately reconnecting society with its ecological roots. Read about how a systems approach could provide positive transformations for human health, water management, flood regulation, defence, nature conservation and many more areas.

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  1. Reconnecting society with its ecological roots - Mark Everard
  2. Our underpinning ecosystems - Gary Kass
  3. Ecosystems: from single-use to multiple values - Mark Everard
  4. Urban systems and their impacts - Herbert Girardet
  5. Cities with a plan - Herbert Girardet and James Longhurst
  6. Relearning water wisdoms - Mark Everard
  7. The natural basis for meeting human needs – a reality check - David Tickner
  8. Green infrastructure and ecosystems as strategic public-health interventions - Tim Sunderland and Amanda Craig
  9. Water and the defence and security agenda - Mark Everard
  10. Embedding ecosystem services to support human health - Jim Stewart-Evans and Harmony Ridgley
  11. The benefits of nature’s recovery - Gary Mantle
  12. Natural flood regulation and rail infrastructure - Nevil Quinn, Rob McInnes, Graham Parkhurst, Ben Clark, John Parkin and Mark Everard
  13. Ecosystems, Covid-19 and other zoonotic diseases - Mark Everard, Paul Johnston, David Santillo and Chad Staddon
  14. Concluding thoughts - James Longhurst, Chad Staddon, Herbert Girardet, Paul Johnston, Amanda Craig, Harmony Ridgley and Kevin Austin
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Bea Gilbert

Publications Lead


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