Adam Donnan
17 July 2020

AGM Results

The IES AGM was held online on 15th July 2020.  This AGM had been rescheduled from its original date in April due to the impact of Covid-19. 

Gary Kass, the IES Chair, reflected on a challenging year with the UK exiting the European Union and the Covid-19 pandemic. Adam Donnan, the IES CEO, went through a presentation capturing highlights of 2019, including information on our reports, journals and events. The full text of Gary’s speech and the slides can be found in the annual report.

Ian Byrne, the IES Treasurer, gave a review of the 2018-19 accounts. He highlighted that it was a strong financial period, with income growing 14%. He outlined that the IES was in good shape to weather the pandemic.

Following the review of the accounts, Adam reviewed the work of the IES in supporting members through the pandemic and looked forward to the rest of the year. A summary of his speech can be found in the annual report.  

Two new Council members were elected, Liz Price and Christine McHugh, and Jackie Rogers was re-elected for a second term. Claire Holman retired from Council. The gender balance on our governance committee is now: 57% female. 43% male. 

All resolutions were passed.

Analysis from the archive