Dan Ward
21 May 2020

The IES Pledge to Net Zero

In line with the commitment of the UK government from the Paris Climate Agreement 2015, which set a global goal to reach net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, the IES has pledged to do our part. As the professional body for environmental sciences, we feel it is our duty to represent the sector and lead by example. We have already taken steps towards this goal, including using a 100% renewable energy tariff, and recycling/reusing as much as possible. We’ve now stepped up our commitment by becoming a signatory to the Pledge to Net Zero initiative.

‘Pledge to Net Zero’ is the first industry commitment in the UK requiring science-based targets from its signatories to tackle carbon emissions within their organisations. As part of our commitment, we are striving to: 

  1. Set and deliver a greenhouse gas reduction target in line with a well below 2°C climate change scenario.  
  2. Publicly report our greenhouse gas emissions and progress against this target annually. 
  3. Publish at least one piece of research/thought-leadership each year on practical steps to delivering an economy in line with climate science and in support of net zero carbon.  

Analysis from the archive