Indoor Air Quality

Monday, 22 June 2020 - 9:30am to 4:30pm

This new one-day IAQM conference will be delivered online as a virtual conference.

Throughout the day this conference will cover aspects of indoor air pollution including the ingress of outdoor air, exposure and health impacts, monitoring, the role of different ventilation strategies, emissions from building materials, and in-vehicle exposure.

Relatively little is known but it is a rapidly growing field. Recent developments include new guidance from the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) covering indoor air quality, a new Future Homes Standard proposed by the Government and recommended standards for individual VOCs from Public Health England.

This conference aims to provide attendees with a good insight into the issues from outdoor to indoor and in-transport exposure and a valuable online CPD opportunity. The programme will include presentations from CIBSE, PHE, building services engineers and indoor air quality practitioners and academics, and will be of interest to our members, architects, building service engineers, developers and public health professionals.

This will be a full-scale conference taking place online providing you with 5 hours of presentations and Q&A sessions plus comfort breaks. You will have access to conference materials in advance including the programme and speaker biographies. A full recording and presentation slides, cleared by speakers, will be shared with you after the event for you to use as a training resource.

The full programme will be available soon.

Further information regarding login and access details will be shared after your registration has been confirmed. You do not require audio or video capabilities in order to participate in this event. 


More information

Who to contact

Siân Kear

Events & Training Lead


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