As part of our approach to supporting members working in particular specialisms, we establish communities (effectively special interest groups), to provide tailored CPD, support and guidance to better facilitate engagement with and between our members.
Marine and coastal science is an area that has grown within our membership in recent months. In response we are establishing a community to further advance this specialism and support researchers and professionals working in the marine and coastal sector.
The new community will lead the IES’s work in this area, generating ideas for events, publications, guidance, training, policy work and other services and strategies. The IES Events & Training Officer, Rhianna Jarvis, will be working closely with members to facilitate community activities and to encourage interaction both virtually, and face-to-face.
After we published a special edition of the environmental SCIENTIST journal in November 2018, Deeper than plastic: Issues for the marine environment, we were approached by a number of marine and coastal professionals who told us they felt they were poorly served by the existing professional bodies in the field. That's what led to forming the community.
How to get involved
To hear your ideas for this community, discuss current issues and areas of development - and more specifically, how the IES may fit into the wider marine and coastal landscape - we will be hosting a meeting at the IES offices on Thursday 18th July, from 11am -1pm followed by a networking sandwich lunch. The meeting will shape a list of priorities for the new community. This will be a chance to feed in your ideas, get involved in exciting new projects, and meet some of your fellow professionals working in the field.
You don't have to be an IES member to attend - just interested in supporting and developing the marine and coastal sector.
If you are interest in the initiative, but unable to attend this meeting, you can still contribute your ideas via email directly to Rhianna Jarvis to be raised on the day.