Adam Donnan
29 August 2017

2018/19 Membership Fees

Each year, the IES Council reviews the Institution's membership fees to ensure we continue to provide a first-rate level of service, and have the resources to further expand our membership offering. The Institution is sensitive to its members’ needs, and slow wage growth in the UK, so has made every attempt to keep subscriptions as low as possible. In previous years, we have either frozen membership fees or kept them to an inflationary rise. However, on occasion, we are forced by rising costs to impose an above-inflationary rise in fees. The IES Council has agreed the rises to ensure that the Institution continues to provide a first-rate level of service to members, and to further develop our membership offering. We are also pleased to keep IAQM and Affiliate memberships the same level as the last three years. We will continue to offer free student membership to individuals studying on our accredited programmes, and discounts for members who are retired, out of work, on low-income or on parental leave.

Adam Donnan, CEO, commented: "In 2017/18, we once again grew the membership support team in the Project Office, increasing our support for members but also our financial commitments. Recent developments mean that the value members get from their Institution has substantially increased, so the board and I remain confident that IES Membership represents exceptional value for money. To continue this strong track record of expansion in membership services and to further grow the organisation, a small above-inflationary rise in membership fees is essential to increase our operating revenues."

Our Chartership subscription costs reflect the fees that we pay to registration bodies. We aim to ensure that the income we receive from our Chartership subscriptions cover our membership, licensing and individual annual registration fees. The registration, membership and subscription fees charged by the Society of the Environment have risen by a small amount; however, because our number of CEnvs is rapidly increasing, we are pleased to reduce our CEnv subscription fees by £3 this year. CSci has increased by £1.

​IES Memberships

Fellow £149
Member £122
Associate £99
Affiliate £12
Retired Member £35
Unemployed or parental leave 25% of normal fees

Other subscriptions

IAQM Fellow £40
IAQM Member £25
IAQM Associate £10
CEnv Subscription £55
CSci Subscription £69

Analysis from the archive