Robert Ashcroft
26 May 2016

IES joins UK Stakeholders for Sustainable Development

Sustainable development lies at the core of the IES's mission, and the work of our members. The transition to a more sustainable society is one of the great challenges of our age, and one which will require new forms of collaboration. The IES is delighted to have joined UK Stakeholders for Sustainable Development (UKSSD), a cross sector network of organisations committed to furthering this agenda.

UKSSD is an open platform that supports public, private and voluntary organisations working towards sustainable development in the UK. Its mission is to transform the UK into a sustainable society by driving ambition for sustainable development in UK government, businesses and civil society, and by supporting organisations to deliver on and go further in the implementation of all of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the UK.

Joining this network will allow the IES to join our voice with other like-minded organisations, and offer opportunities for our members to share their expertise and build partnerships. Science is of course crucial to delivery on the SDGs, so building links between professional and academic scientists and other stakeholders is an important opportunity.

Adam Donnan, IES CEO said "Environmental Scientists are uniquely placed to understand the interactions between natural and social systems that underpin sustainability. We look forward to working with other organisations on a coherent and science-based acceleration of the implementation of sustainability in the UK."


For more information on the SDGs, see the UKSSD website, or our blog on science, the environment and the SDGs.

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