One of the objectives of the 2021-2024 IES Strategy: Guiding Transformative Change is to create and sustain a knowledgeable, skilled, diverse, and trusted environmental profession engaged in the transformation to a sustainable society.
In pursuit of that objective, the IES has been working over the past 18 months to reform the resources we offer to members to support the development of skills and knowledge relating to policy, regulation, and influencing more sustainable behaviours and approaches. Last year, we worked with members to identify the most pressing skills needs, including issues such as policy interpretation and analysis, understanding regulation, and engaging and influencing policy stakeholders.
Now, the IES has released the first series of policy resources to help provide upskilling for members, published across three brands:
- Environmental Policy Skills: these 'red papers' will help to introduce the skills needed to engage in policy, from awareness to influence (member only);
- Forward View: these horizon scanning briefings update members on recent and forthcoming policy developments linked to a core natural system, such as air, land, or water;
- Topic-specific briefings: these briefings each focus on a specific topic, providing environmental scientists with policy information and decision makers with environmental insights;