Ruth Bowyer
25 June 2015

Places still available for the first IES ESOS Lead Assessor Workshop

As you may be aware, the IES has been approved by the Enviornment Agency to accept applications for the IES register of ESOS Lead Energy Assessors. ESOS is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for organisations in the UK that meet the qualification criteria. Companies that qualify need to appoint a Lead Assessor from an approved professional body register to undertake an energy audit and ESOS assessment; the IES is one of the organisations offering the scheme. 

If you are a Full Member or Fellow of the Institution with two years' professional experience of energy assessment and audit, you are eligible to apply to join the IES Lead Energy Assessor Register. The LEA application process involves completion of an ESOS Lead Assessor competency report to illustrate that you meet the required technical and non-technical competencies of the PAS 51215 standard. Your report will be reviewed by specialist reviewers, and if you are successful in completing the screening you will be invited to attend a one-day workshop. The workshop will cover the ESOS requirements in detail, and will include an assessment. If you successfully pass the assessment your name will be added to the IES LEA register.

The first workshop is to be held at the IES offices on the 10th September 2015. Reports and registration on the workshop therefore need to be recieved at the latest by 15th August. 

To apply, or for further information, please visit our ESOS page where you can download the application form and associated guidance.

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