Robert Ashcroft
28 January 2015

New special interest group for Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Conservation

Following the publication of December 2014’s environmental SCIENTIST, UK National Ecosystem Assessment: What now?, the IES is launching a new special interest group.  The Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Conservation group will give members working or with an interest in these sectors a space and opportunity to discuss and debate topical and interesting issues, share stories and make connections.

2015 is an important year for professionals working in this sector. The IES ended 2014 with the publication of a journal highlighting the need for much greater public and political awareness of the Ecosystem Approach and the findings of the NEA and NEAFO. With the publication of the influential Natural Capital Committee’s third State of Natural Capital report this month concluding that environmental degradation is harming the UK economy, it is now crucially important that environmental professionals come together to communicate and mainstream the Ecosystem Approach agenda.

Over the coming year there will also be opportunities for professionals in the biodiversity and conservation sectors to come together in response to a major consultation on a ‘Re-fit’ of the EU Nature Directives. It is important that the voices of professionals and scientists are heard in this process and we hope that through this group the IES may engage in this process on behalf of our members.

So, we encourage you to join the group, start making connections and begin the discussion. Please share any relevant and interesting articles, thoughts or questions with the group, and do get in touch if you have any ideas about group activities or events, or if you would like to get more involved.  IES special interest groups are designed to facilitate member-led discussion and collaboration amongst communities of environmental professionals, so we hope this will be an active group and look forward to seeing how it develops.

Visit the LinkedIn page for this group

Analysis from the archive