Adam Donnan
5 January 2021 interviews IES CEO, Adam Donnan

Emil Ekvardt from interviewed our CEO, Adam Donnan, as part of their ' Talks With...' podcast. This series is an antidote to negative news stories that aims to shed light on organisations and experts whose work is making a positive impact on the world.

The issue is no longer agreeing there is a problem - it is finding the right solution

If scientists are to drive sustainable behaviours, they need strategies that can persuade politicians and the public. Adam Donnan discussed the promotion of cross-disciplinary best practice for environmental science professionals. 

The IES deals with a nexus of related environmental issues, from air quality management to marine conservation and broader climate education. It supports professional scientists and encourages system thinking - taking a holistic scientific approach by viewing environmental problems as overlapping. Adam explained that acting on scientific consensus is not always practical however. The IES helps scientists bridge the gap between the data and its real-world implementation.

Listen to the whole interview to find out how the IES is building capacity to deal with a multitude of crises facing society and why we should assign value to our natural assets. is an organisation that is changing the way people think about charity, development and organisations. They’re leading the next generation of charitable giving. Find out more.

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