Joseph Lewis
26 January 2022

IES joins calls for a science-policy panel on chemical pollution

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The IES is supporting calls to establish an intergovernmental science-policy panel to support action on chemicals, waste and pollution. As part of our ongoing work to stand up for the voice of science, scientists, and the natural world, the IES supports embedding environmental science at the heart of decision making wherever it is necessary. As a result, the IES supports the calls from the International Panel on Chemical Pollution (IPCP), several countries, and science organisations to establish a global science-policy panel on the crucial issues linked to chemicals, waste, and pollution.

Historically, the poor management of chemicals and waste has led to severe consequences for human and ecological health, and chemical pollution poses an ongoing threat which must be addressed at a global level. Crucially, oversight must be evidence based, and in line with the important work of the IPCC for climate change and IPBES for biodiversity loss. While there are a number of science-policy bodies which already address specific issues relating to chemicals, waste, and pollution, there remain critical issues which are not covered by existing frameworks, including new and emergent threats. Global oversight from this type of science-policy panel will help to ensure the voice of science is properly represented at the highest level of discussion.

Several countries are due to bring forward a draft resolution at the upcoming meeting of the UN Environment Assembly, originally due to begin next month in Kenya. The UK is already one of the countries supporting the draft resolution, though more countries will be needed to gain the support needed for the panel's establishment.

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