Ellie Savage
22 August 2024

EPIC 2024 Membership Services Survey

The Environmental Policy Implementation Community (EPIC) are inviting IES members and others to complete the 2024 EPIC Membership Services Survey. The Survey seeks to understand how EPIC can best serve IES members and the wider environmental policy implementation community.

The survey will close at 9am on 23rd September. Complete the survey now.

About EPIC

The Environmental Policy Implementation Community (EPIC) launched in February 2024, after the merger of Environmental Protection UK with the IES. The Community brings together voices from across environmental science to call for ambitious and deliverable policy, and provides local authorities and other decision makers with the knowledge, insights and tools to help them deliver on the ground.

After a busy first 6 months, the Community is seeking feedback on what activities, topics and events IES members and other environmental professionals would like to see from EPIC going forward.

The survey is also part of EPIC's wider Implementation Science project, which seeks to support members with good practice on implementation. The information gathered in this survey will be used to inform discussions at the Implementation Science Workshop, to be held at the EPIC Autumn Conference on the 10th October. Register for the free online Conference here.