Adam Donnan
1 November 2012

Apply now for a 2013 placement through the Leonardo Mobility Programme

We are now recruiting for our Winter 2013 Flow of placements to place graduate members in Environmental Science and Sustainability jobs around Europe through the Leonardo Mobility Programme.

We have partnered with Change Agents UK and host organisations across Europe to provide opportunities for graduates who are passionate about sustainability to boost their employability through professional development opportunities.

As an official Leonardo Mobility partner we are able to send over 40 graduates on these fully-funded professional placements over the next two years. We've had fantastic feedback from our current and past Leonardo volunteers and we look forward to recruiting even more enthusiastic graduates for the next flow of placements starting in early 2013 (late January - early February). Placements are available with our host organisations in Spain, Germany, Austria, Croatia , Belgium and the Netherlands.

Placements are fully funded by the Leonardo Mobility programme, as part of the EU Commission’s Life Long Learning Programme. This means that travel, accommodation and living expenses for the 12 week period will be covered.

Volunteers will gain an understanding of sustainability related projects in an international context, develop their employability skills and gain experience in areas ranging from community and international development, sustainable tourism, research, EU policy, sustainable construction, green energy and beyond. Participants will also boost their cultural understanding of the host country and enhance their language skills.

Our partners, Change Agents UK, will provide preparation training before departure, provide on-going support throughout the placement, engage each participant in post-project evaluation and provide opportunities for volunteers to receive official accreditation for their work. This is to ensure that all placements are geared towards volunteers’ professional development and that all participants have a really positive experience.

The deadline for submitting your expression of interest is Sunday, November 11, 2012 at Midnight. To register your interest please follow this link.

Small print:
1) Candidates must be either British or EU citizens;
2) Candidates must currently be residing in the UK, and;
3) Candidates must have valid passports to travel between January and May 2013.
4) Candidates must have completed their university degree before the beginning of the placements.

Please note that Leonardo programme does not allow EU citizens to be placed in the country where they have citizenship (e.g. a German national cannot apply to the Hamburg placement, but may apply to any of the others).

Analysis from the archive