Paddy Fowler
17 June 2019

The 2019 Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition is now open

The Royal Society Publishing 2019 Photography Competition celebrates the power of photography in capturing scientific phenomena happening all around us, and the role great images play in making science accessible to a wide audience. This year the competition is bigger than ever before with the prize money doubled to £1,000 for the winner; as with last year, the competition is split into 5 categories, including ecology and environmental science and we would love to see the IES represented this year. 

The competition is only open to scientists, and is open for entries until 30 August 2019. This year's judging panel includes Dr Jon Blundy, Professor Ineke De Moortel, and Dr Ulriek Muller who will be looking at both the aesthetic and scientific aspects of the image to make their final decision.

The winners will be announced in December 2019. Find out how to enter and please read the Terms and Conditions before entering.

You can view the images from last year's finalists on the Royal Society website.

Header image: Ecology and Environmental Science Winner 'Waxwing and Rowan berries in the snow' by Alwin Hardenbol.

Analysis from the archive