Webinar: A day in the life - Mónica Rivas Casado

Flooded river with overlaid text: "A day in the life - Monica Rivas Casado, Monday 25th September, 12.30-13.15, Online" and picture of Monica Rivas Casado
Monday, 25 September 2023 - 12:30pm to 1:15pm

With emerging science, technology and regulation, jobs in the environment sector are never static. This webinar series, "A day in the life" will share stories from environmental professionals about how work has evolved and how it may change in the future.

In this webinar, Mónica Rivas Casado, Reader in Environmental Systems Engineering at Cranfield University, will share her perspective on the nature of her work as an academic working with water systems, what it was like in the past, and how it may look in the future. For a perspective on the land sector, sign up for Jonathan Atkinson's contribution to the series, and for a perspective on sustainability, sign up for Kripa Dwarakanath's webinar.

This webinar series is part of the IES's Future of ES23 horizon scanning and foresight project, bringing together environmental experts to reflect on the future of the environmental sciences.

About Mónica

Monica Rivas CasadoDr Rivas Casado is recognised as a leading expert in the use of UAVs (drones) as a data acquisition platform to improve flood risk management in the UK and internationally.

She is a Reader in Environmental Systems Engineering at Cranfield University.

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Who to contact

Derek Jardine

Events & Training Lead

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