IES Webinar: Sustainable Remediation Forum UK (SuRF-UK) - a whistle stop tour of its resources

Wednesday, 21 April 2021 - 12:30pm to 1:15pm

SuRF-UK is the United Kingdom’s Sustainable Remediation Forum – an initiative set up to progress the UK understanding of sustainable remediation. The process of identifying sustainable remediation is defined by SuRF-UK as “the practice of demonstrating, in terms of environmental, economic and social indicators, that the benefit of undertaking remediation is greater than its impact and that the optimum remediation solution is selected through the use of a balanced decision-making process.”

Since SuRF-UK's launch in 2007, it has now published a large amount of resources that are all freely available to support sustainable remediation practice. A sustainable approach to land contamination risk management is supported by regulators, and supporting guidance now sign posts to the SuRF-UK approach to assessing the sustainability of soil and groundwater remediation. This webinar will provide a summary of SuRF-UK's resources, how to access them and when they would be useful. 

This is a must-see for all Land Condition professionals working in remediation. 

Our speaker

Nicola Harries is a Chartered Geologist and Chartered Scientist and has over 25 years’ experience within the environmental industry. She is a project director at CL:AIRE and has responsibility for managing a number of projects and initiatives, the most recent of these being the Gas Protection Verification Accreditation Scheme (GPVS), launched in January 2021. Nicola co-ordinates the National Brownfield Forum (industry/government/regulator forum), the National Quality Mark Scheme for Land Contamination Management Steering Group, the Sustainable Remediation Forum UK (SuRF-UK) and SuRF - International.




Our webinars are free for all to attend. With the speakers' permission each episode will be recorded and added to our YouTube channel for you to view after the event. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to view these episodes and make sure you do not miss any new episodes. 

Featured events

National Brownfield Institute, Wolverhampton
11 March 2025

Who to contact

Siân Kear

Events & Training Lead
