Join us for the next EIA Community Debate, held in collaboration with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA). This event will provide lightning provocations to support a wider consideration of what is involved in achieving net zero in development. The provocations will explore often under-considered greenhouse gas emissions related to a project, including heritage assessments, digital-related emissions and downstream emissions.
This is an interactive discussion intended for anyone interested in thinking through the wider carbon footprint of projects, including EIA professionals, planners and those working in archaeology and heritage assessment. We’ll be discussing changing thinking around the ‘whole-life’ of projects, from the beginning of design through to downstream effects (following the Finch case) and long-term digital data storage and digital tools.. Archaeology and heritage consultancy is involved in all of these stages so come along whether you’re interested in the greenhouse gas emissions of the datacentre hosting your project archive, the future of excavation (electric plant? Better non-intrusive methods?), or how the weather conditions and soil types could impact the emissions of trial trenching.
This event will bring together specialisms working in environmental impact assessment, planning and heritage to explore how we can gain a more holistic understanding of the carbon emissions from the entire lifecycle of development. By bringing together interested professionals from CIfA and the IES we hope to share ideas, inspiration and provocation, as we work to improve our industry for the future of our communities and our planet.
Our speakers
Alan Chandler is a senior pracacademic at the University of East London and is a Director of the conservation-based architecture practice Arts Lettres Techniques. His material research brings expertise in heritage and traditional construction together with an interest in biomaterial design and innovation – both of which are centred on the role of people in the social and economic distribution of what can be termed ‘sustainability’.Alan Chandler has previously taught at the Architectural Association, Goldsmith’s College of Art, Cambridge University and Edinburgh University.
Lorna Richardson is Lecturer in Digital Media and Culture at the University of East Anglia, where she is part of the Environmental Humanities research group. She is currently writing a book about the intersection of digital heritage and contemporary social and environmental challenges, and is interested in the environmental impact of digital technologies more broadly.
Kate Tandy is the Head of Litigation and Casework at the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP), leading on the legal aspects of delivering the OEP’s enforcement function. Kate has worked across a wide range of environmental law issues, having previously worked as Chief Legal Adviser for the National Farmers’ Union where she was involved in a number of high-profile judicial review cases affecting the agricultural industry. Kate was also listed on the ‘ENDs Report Power List 2024: the UK’s 100 most influential environmental professionals’ as an 'Unsung Hero'.
Dan Phillips is Hertfordshire County Council’s LEADS manager, overseeing the historic and natural environment within development-led planning. With a MSc in Planning from the Bartlett (UCL) and a BA in Archaeology (UCL), he has over 20 years’ experience across the private, public, academic and third sectors. He founded drp archaeology consultancy in 2018. He is a member of RESCUE’s Council since 2016, formerly Vice- Chair and now Chair; he is also Vice Chair of the North Herts Archaeological Society. He is member of the All-Party Parliamentary Archaeology Group, and sits on various Heritage Alliance Groups. His interest in the contribution of archaeology to climate change, policy, public benefit, placemaking and inclusion is demonstrated through recognised work including being a co-founder of the CIfA Climate Change Working Group. He has expertise in WWI archaeology, having worked in significant conflict sites in France, Belgium and Germany. He has a wide selection of publications and media presence.