EIA Community Debate: The future of EIA

Wednesday, 28 October 2020 - 10:30am to 12:30pm
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Community provides a new forum for thought-provoking, critical conversations around EIA from a science perspective. Join us for our next meeting and connect with a diverse group of IES members, and invited external experts, to discuss topical issues and share learning and experience with others involved in EIAs.  
Our EIA Community aims to connect and support environmental scientists and practitioners working across a range of specialisms involved in the EIA process and to facilitate meaningful discussion on the key issues facing those involved in EIAs.  
Following on from our popular EIA Community Debate: Competence & Digital EIA, we are pleased to invite you to our second meeting. This will explore the ways in which COVID-19 has affected the EIA process and the innovative ways that professionals have adapted to the ‘new normal’, as well as exploring how EIAs may change in the future as a result of legislative change and new regulations.  
The meeting will cover three discussion sessions:  

Session 1: Adapting to the ‘new normal’  

What will the ‘new normal’ be for the environmental science sector and in particular, what does this mean for those working in EIAs? Explore how COVID-19 has disrupted EIAs and the innovative ways professionals have been adapting to these challenges. What will the implications of these be in the long run for the EIA process?  

Session 2: The future of EIAs – legislative & regulatory change 

The ‘Planning for the Future’ white paper, opened for public consultation in August, outlined proposed changes to the planning process, with implications for how EIAs may be done in the future. With an upcoming consultation process on EIA legislation expected in Autumn, this session will explore how the legislative and regulatory landscape of EIAs may change and how these changes will affect the EIA process and those working in the sector.

Session 3: The role of EIAs in the Pathway to Net Zero 

In 2019, the Government committed to Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. What are the implications for UK infrastructure projects both existing and in the pipeline and what role will EIAs play in taking this commitment into account when assessing developments?  
Registration for this event has now closed.

Who to contact

Derek Jardine

Events & Training Lead

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