Brownfield land: BNG and other opportunities

Photo of urban brownfield site with text Webinar: Brownfield land - BNG and other opportunities, BNG in practice event series, 10th April, 12:30 - 13:15 BST online
Thursday, 10 April 2025 - 12:30pm to 1:15pm

In this webinar Jon Davies and Tom Henman will talk about the biodiversity value (and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) potential) of brownfield sites as well as the other constraints and opportunities, often associated with contamination, landfill and other issues. They will also discuss an options appraisal process that is used to determine the best end use for a brownfield site, whether housing, data centres, solar, wind, battery storage or indeed BNG.

 This webinar is part of the BNG in Practice Event Series. It has been organised by the Land Condition Community, which supports best practice in land condition with its membership covering sectors and job types across the field. The Community focuses on providing tailored membership services for land condition professionals and engaging externally with key stakeholders. 

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Our speakers 

Jon Davies is a Director at RSK Biocensus and heads up RSK Wilding, the BNG delivery team. He set up Wilding in early 2020, and since then it has become one of the most respected and high-profile teams in the country, delivering BNG from initial feasibility assessment and design stage BNG reporting all the way through to implementation on the ground and long-term management and monitoring. In early 2024 the team became one of the first four Responsible Bodies in England, overseeing the registering of more habitat banks on the Gain Site Register than anyone else.


Dr Tom Henman is a director at RSK Geosciences, responsible for leading on sustainability and innovation UK-wide. He has over 25 years’ experience advising on land contamination issues and has a long-standing interest in brownfield regeneration. Tom has co-authored technical guidance on these topics and been recognised with several industry awards for his work. He is Chair-elect of the SiLC Board and a board member and trustee of the Green Action Trust, the leader Scottish environmental regeneration charity.


Header photo credit: © Philip J Openshaw | Adobe Stock

Who to contact

Siân Kear

Events & Training Lead
