Sorry Registration for this event ended on 19th June 2019 9:30 AM

IAQM Discussion Meeting: How can we tackle the urgent problem of ammonia emissions?

19th June 2019 1:30 PM -  4:30 PM
13 Fitzroy Street
London, London W1T 4BQ
United Kingdom

Ammonia emissions contribute to particle pollution, urban smog and damage sensitive natural habitats through excessive nitrogen deposition and acidification. Emissions in the UK have only fallen by 10% since 1970 however, the Netherlands have reduced their emissions by over 60% since 1990. Currently, there are no ambient air quality standards or guidelines for ammonia.
Agriculture, through the use and storage of manure and slurry and inorganic fertilisers, accounts for 88% of UK emissions; the waste sector, vehicles and industry account for the remainder.

The Clean Air Strategy (2019) proposes actions including a code of good agricultural practice, requirements for farmers to further invest emissions reduction, proposals to protect habitats, updating the ammonia emissions inventory, extending permitting to the dairy and intensive beef sectors and regulations to minimise pollution from fertiliser use.

This discussion meeting will introduce these issues and focus on how the issue is being tackled and what can be done in the future. Speakers will discuss the issues from both the regulator’s and farmers’ perspectives.

If you are involved in the planning process for activities such as pig and poultry farms or want to know more about the issues surrounding ammonia emissions in the UK then this event is for you.


13:30 – Registration, refreshments and networking
14:00 – Welcome
14:10 – Guest speaker
14:30 – Guest speaker
14:50 – Guest speaker
15:10 – Open floor discussion
16:15 – Event close

This event is free for IAQM members to attend. Non-members are welcome to attend for a small fee of £25, please book via email.

Event Fee
IAQM member £ 0.00
Non-member £ 25.00